Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ending of Doreamon
The ending is really sad & touching. Doreamon had been a friend deep inside since i started to read. He is a cartoon character friend, so important that i can't accept the truth that it is ending. It is like losing one of the closest friend in life.
Monday, December 14, 2009
14 December 2009
1. Rapid Deployment Squad.
Just back from RDS Workshop. During this workshop i realized that I'm quite left behind in terms of skills because it had been so long since last i practice all the skills. It's time to polish up all my skills again.
Learn a proverb, told by Mr Loi "He who know not, and know not, is willing to learn. Teach him".
Had a good time in the course although my ear been pulled by Mr Loi.
2. Making Appointment to see Government Specialist Doctor
Medication cost for dad is a little unbearable so private doctor refer the case to government to follow up. Reach Sibu Hospital to do the appointment. I had no comment about the queue, the services and etc because it is all not user friendly, and is well known. Did the appointment and the working person say the appointment available is on 5 April next year. Well, what i can say is, "WTF". If it happens that the person who want to make appointment is having cancer or need kidney dialysis then when the date of appoinment arrived he might have already halfway rotten in the coffin.
No choice so go back and continue the medication from private. No wonder specialist clinics are still the first choice for those who afford it. Pity those poor people who can't afford their medication. Telling them the appointment date is like telling them when they are going to die.
Just back from RDS Workshop. During this workshop i realized that I'm quite left behind in terms of skills because it had been so long since last i practice all the skills. It's time to polish up all my skills again.
Learn a proverb, told by Mr Loi "He who know not, and know not, is willing to learn. Teach him".
Had a good time in the course although my ear been pulled by Mr Loi.
2. Making Appointment to see Government Specialist Doctor
Medication cost for dad is a little unbearable so private doctor refer the case to government to follow up. Reach Sibu Hospital to do the appointment. I had no comment about the queue, the services and etc because it is all not user friendly, and is well known. Did the appointment and the working person say the appointment available is on 5 April next year. Well, what i can say is, "WTF". If it happens that the person who want to make appointment is having cancer or need kidney dialysis then when the date of appoinment arrived he might have already halfway rotten in the coffin.
No choice so go back and continue the medication from private. No wonder specialist clinics are still the first choice for those who afford it. Pity those poor people who can't afford their medication. Telling them the appointment date is like telling them when they are going to die.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Older are wiser
Came out for a drink with someone much older than i am, a lecturer. We talk a bit on this and that. On the way back home, i told him about the problem i had in school. I had this problem since i came back this year when i really had my mind all screwed up.
Teaching in this small school is something totally unexpected, not the environment or the location. It's the students. I had tried all kinds of ways in teaching them hoping that they will progress in their studies. But no matter what i did, they remain the same. During the end of each sessions, the conclusion is they don't understand or they just didn't remember anything at all. It's not that i didn't do anything or changed anything. I had came to the edge of the river. No wonder other teachers are so cool while teaching. They already gain their "zen".
Well, this lecturer friend of mine tell me something which let me think he is somehow wiser because of his life experience. He told me to teach tuition class. He reason that i should teach tuition class in order not to lose all the techniques and on the other hand to keep myself motivated in teaching. I somehow agree with what he had said and this should be the first time i found a good reason that i should start teaching tuition classes.
Teaching in this small school is something totally unexpected, not the environment or the location. It's the students. I had tried all kinds of ways in teaching them hoping that they will progress in their studies. But no matter what i did, they remain the same. During the end of each sessions, the conclusion is they don't understand or they just didn't remember anything at all. It's not that i didn't do anything or changed anything. I had came to the edge of the river. No wonder other teachers are so cool while teaching. They already gain their "zen".
Well, this lecturer friend of mine tell me something which let me think he is somehow wiser because of his life experience. He told me to teach tuition class. He reason that i should teach tuition class in order not to lose all the techniques and on the other hand to keep myself motivated in teaching. I somehow agree with what he had said and this should be the first time i found a good reason that i should start teaching tuition classes.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saga SE
I am lucky to be the first person to own Sga BLM SE in Sibu and Sarikei. I had book this car early. The car agent at Proton Edar are curious how i know the booking had been opened when there are no promotions, advertisement or whatsoever at that time. Well, special thanks to my friend in Proton Edar KL for his information.
After two months owning this car then i realize the financial burden on maintaining this babe. It does suck my blood out from my wallet. Some friends gave negative comments, but it's my ride after all and i love it.

The very first thing i did to my ride is to tint it. Although factory had put a layer of Safetint, i put on a second layer with slight silver in colour. The tint do insulate heat and i felt the difference. I also stick the front windshield with a silver-blue tint. After that i bought a pedal lock and install auto brake lock as it doesn't come with the factory setting. Security is most important than anything else in a car. The original car alarm comes together with immobilizer so did nothing to the alarm system.
Next to go is the interior. Saga SE had featured leather seats, leather gear knobs and leather steering wheel. I put the little red Octopus in the chamber on the co driver seat. You can see the pair of eyes looking at you. I DIY the dashboard cover both front and back using anti slip mat and some red fabric. Besides that, i sound proof the front bonnet with some materials i bought from accessories shop (DIY also).

Last but not the least, put on blmclub sticker and number. The stickers are done by Motorsport Playground, the same place where Leona Chin did her vinyls. It is somewhere near Sunway.
After two months owning this car then i realize the financial burden on maintaining this babe. It does suck my blood out from my wallet. Some friends gave negative comments, but it's my ride after all and i love it.

The very first thing i did to my ride is to tint it. Although factory had put a layer of Safetint, i put on a second layer with slight silver in colour. The tint do insulate heat and i felt the difference. I also stick the front windshield with a silver-blue tint. After that i bought a pedal lock and install auto brake lock as it doesn't come with the factory setting. Security is most important than anything else in a car. The original car alarm comes together with immobilizer so did nothing to the alarm system.

Last but not the least, put on blmclub sticker and number. The stickers are done by Motorsport Playground, the same place where Leona Chin did her vinyls. It is somewhere near Sunway.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
waitress kena BOMB
Today my mood not so good. Well, today "sakit tuan".
Some friends ask me to go to a coffee shop somewhere in Sarikei town to meet them. So, i went there. It is a newly opened coffee shop with the name of 1Malaysia. Kind of funny to hear the name but i just went with directions from friends.
Arrived and ordered a cup of ice peppermint tea. The waitress is a young Malay lady. She write my order on a piece of paper. As my three other friends arrived early so their order came first and i continue waiting for mine.
10 minutes had passed and they finish their drinks already but mine is no where to be seen. We called the same waitress over and ask about the drink. Then she told me "tidak ada peppermint tea." Damn, it pissed me off! Should have told me the very first moment i order! "Kalau tidak ada cakaplah!" i replied her with anger. I ordered ice coffee after that.
Another 10 minutes had passed and I'm already on fire. We ask for the bill from another waitress. Forget about my drink. The bill came with my ice coffee counted. "Saya tunggu lama-lama order dua kali tidak nampak pun kopi saya. Bila bayar mau saya bayar? Kira lagi! Kopi itu saya tidak mau lagi!"
Then she leave our table, called the previous waitress who seems to get ready with her bag, ready to go home. She scolded her for not serving the coffee although the kitchen already prepared the coffee. I think i pass my anger to another waitress and she pass it to the first waitress. Habis that lady kena hantam.
Paid the bill and left.
The moral of the story here is "kerja jangan ingat mau balik saja, nanti kena bomb baru tau!"
Some friends ask me to go to a coffee shop somewhere in Sarikei town to meet them. So, i went there. It is a newly opened coffee shop with the name of 1Malaysia. Kind of funny to hear the name but i just went with directions from friends.
Arrived and ordered a cup of ice peppermint tea. The waitress is a young Malay lady. She write my order on a piece of paper. As my three other friends arrived early so their order came first and i continue waiting for mine.
10 minutes had passed and they finish their drinks already but mine is no where to be seen. We called the same waitress over and ask about the drink. Then she told me "tidak ada peppermint tea." Damn, it pissed me off! Should have told me the very first moment i order! "Kalau tidak ada cakaplah!" i replied her with anger. I ordered ice coffee after that.
Another 10 minutes had passed and I'm already on fire. We ask for the bill from another waitress. Forget about my drink. The bill came with my ice coffee counted. "Saya tunggu lama-lama order dua kali tidak nampak pun kopi saya. Bila bayar mau saya bayar? Kira lagi! Kopi itu saya tidak mau lagi!"
Then she leave our table, called the previous waitress who seems to get ready with her bag, ready to go home. She scolded her for not serving the coffee although the kitchen already prepared the coffee. I think i pass my anger to another waitress and she pass it to the first waitress. Habis that lady kena hantam.
Paid the bill and left.
The moral of the story here is "kerja jangan ingat mau balik saja, nanti kena bomb baru tau!"
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A scene in specialist hospital
I spend the night in the specialist hospital. Sleeping on a chair for whole night with temperature lower than 18 degree Celsius is not fun at all. I'm sleeping half conscious, waking up many times during the night.
Around 2 in the morning, i suddenly heard some loud noise from the bed beside. Is is blocked by a curtain. I can figure out it is the sound of the patient gasping for breaths. I step out and take a look on what is happening. A nurse is shaking and calling "uncle, uncle" to the patient. He is still gasping hard for breath so i suspected a choking. The nurse ran to the counter and bring in some other nurses and the observe the patient again until one of them ask to call the Medical Officer. It took a few minutes before MO arrived and order a nurse to bring in oxygen tank. They remove the fake teeth from inside the mouth, did oxygen therapy and inject something with a syringe. They tied the IV entrance of of patient with bandage because the patient is struggling and might break the IV needle.
I think the nurse had reacted too slow during this case. They should have brought along all the oxygen tank, defibrillator and suction unit the very first moment and wait for MO instruction right after MO arrived. Can't do much since this is a private hospital with nurses and MO on duty.
It's quite a hard time for me
Lately it is quite a hard time for me. Lots of things had happened so i can't online for around a whole week.
Last Friday, i got a SMS telling me that a family friend of us had stroke. On Sunday, dad phoned and told us he is admitted to the hospital in Kapit because he felt nothing on his left arm. Doctor diagnosed a minor stroke. I ask my dad to discharge from government hospital as soon as possible and seek medical attention in a private specialist hospital. He came back on Monday together with two of my uncles. He is admitted to specialist hospital as soon as he is admitted. After MRI scanning and other tests, doctor found a blood clot on his brain and he was admitted. The same night on Monday, i got a phone call from the old lady's daughter that we always send to the hospital for checkups due to her disabilities. She told us her mother died yesterday and thank us for our helps. During the same day also, i friend of mine tell me she is in the same specialist center as her mother having a small surgery. I met my friend and turnout her mother is lying in the ICU. She had a heart failure after the successful surgery. Her father's lorry had been stolen the very same day and her father had high blood pressure because of the condition of her mother. Her parents are nice people who treated us nicely during our trips to her house. On Tuesday, her mother's condition is getting worse. After sending my dad home, i rush back again to the specialist hospital to see her mother again. Their whole family were surrounding her, singing holy songs with tears in their eyes. I can't stand the sight so i left. I can't leave my dad alone at home also since mum had to go to work. Her mother pass away that noon. It was sad for me.
Monday, October 19, 2009
UK Fun Fair 在诗巫的旧机场开办了为期一个月的游乐场。我趁着周末和朋友到游乐场玩一玩。
Thursday, October 15, 2009
nothing much...
It's been a while i didn't post anything on this blog. During this while, I really don't have anything much to view, to express or to complaint. Life is just so normal and calm, like the sea with little splashes of waves. However, this kind of calmness makes me feeling uneasy. It's just a feeling, nothing much.
When i write the odometer reading of the transporter this morning, i just realise it's October. Few more weeks later, end of the year holiday will start. This means that i already spend a year teaching here after coming back from West Malaysia. Coming back here, i gain something and lose something.
It's kind of sad when i think back of my courier future in West Malaysia. Now i didn't got to teach what I'm best in. I also miss all the friends back then. They are really good and kind people that break my previous view that West Malaysian residents are cocky. Yet, if i didn't come back, i won't be enjoying my life in RC. The old sayings are true, "no lose no gain".
Lately i get some chances to transport an old lady to local hospital, clinic and specialist hospital for her treatment. She had some serious disease that makes her cannot live by her own. Her daughter took care of her. Her daughter wash the wounds of bed sore, clean her mother's faeces and emptying urine pack. I start to think that life is short. I tried hard to help them, although i can't do much. I asked a friend of mine who is a doctor-to-be, "will you feel fed up with life since you see so many deaths in your workplace?"I balanced up the feeling by reading some books on emergency cihldbirth.
Yea, true! Life is short. From the time i started to remember things till now, it's 25 years already. What have i really done during this 25 years? Born as a little baby, and in the speed of eye flashes, on the bed as a wizened sick old man. Between life and death, it's very short.
After realising so many things, now i only hope i can do as much work as possible during this short time before the call, help people as much as possible. We human remember about blessings only when good things came. The chances given to help is also a blessing, troubles we met is also a blessing. I should thanks all the blessings given, from a good family, kind friends, to the hardships and challenges encountered.
There are still many things circling my mind but unable to express it out.
Life is hard and life is short. That's life.
When i write the odometer reading of the transporter this morning, i just realise it's October. Few more weeks later, end of the year holiday will start. This means that i already spend a year teaching here after coming back from West Malaysia. Coming back here, i gain something and lose something.
It's kind of sad when i think back of my courier future in West Malaysia. Now i didn't got to teach what I'm best in. I also miss all the friends back then. They are really good and kind people that break my previous view that West Malaysian residents are cocky. Yet, if i didn't come back, i won't be enjoying my life in RC. The old sayings are true, "no lose no gain".
Lately i get some chances to transport an old lady to local hospital, clinic and specialist hospital for her treatment. She had some serious disease that makes her cannot live by her own. Her daughter took care of her. Her daughter wash the wounds of bed sore, clean her mother's faeces and emptying urine pack. I start to think that life is short. I tried hard to help them, although i can't do much. I asked a friend of mine who is a doctor-to-be, "will you feel fed up with life since you see so many deaths in your workplace?"I balanced up the feeling by reading some books on emergency cihldbirth.
Yea, true! Life is short. From the time i started to remember things till now, it's 25 years already. What have i really done during this 25 years? Born as a little baby, and in the speed of eye flashes, on the bed as a wizened sick old man. Between life and death, it's very short.
After realising so many things, now i only hope i can do as much work as possible during this short time before the call, help people as much as possible. We human remember about blessings only when good things came. The chances given to help is also a blessing, troubles we met is also a blessing. I should thanks all the blessings given, from a good family, kind friends, to the hardships and challenges encountered.
There are still many things circling my mind but unable to express it out.
Life is hard and life is short. That's life.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
School bell
Riiiinnnnnnggg... The school bell rang accurately according to time.
For some of us, automatic bell with timer is the only memories we had about school bell. It will ring when the time is up, fully running using electricity. In the near future, children will forget about old bells. They might even wonder how an old school bell looks like.
This school bell is donated by the second badge of students in 1954. It is about 55 years old, as old as your granny. This is the oldest thing i can find in my school. On the bell is still clearly written the date and donor's name in Chinese.
School teacher did some repair and modifications on it so it is not as original as it is. But at least, we still can see a 55-year-old school bell.

For some of us, automatic bell with timer is the only memories we had about school bell. It will ring when the time is up, fully running using electricity. In the near future, children will forget about old bells. They might even wonder how an old school bell looks like.
This school bell is donated by the second badge of students in 1954. It is about 55 years old, as old as your granny. This is the oldest thing i can find in my school. On the bell is still clearly written the date and donor's name in Chinese.
School teacher did some repair and modifications on it so it is not as original as it is. But at least, we still can see a 55-year-old school bell.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
在她家逗留不久我们就离开了。朋友逗趣的问了她一句,“你妈觉得他怎样?”。“妈说,鲜花插在牛粪上。” 顿时我全身都凉了,心如堕入谷底。在人生中还是这么一次被这样侮辱,感觉自己被践踏得如一只没有尊严的流浪狗。虽然我说不上好看,没特别的家庭背景,但我起码还是一个人,需要那么一点点的尊敬。可是我没反驳,只是静静的坐在车里,用很多谎言来安抚自己的心。
在她家逗留不久我们就离开了。朋友逗趣的问了她一句,“你妈觉得他怎样?”。“妈说,鲜花插在牛粪上。” 顿时我全身都凉了,心如堕入谷底。在人生中还是这么一次被这样侮辱,感觉自己被践踏得如一只没有尊严的流浪狗。虽然我说不上好看,没特别的家庭背景,但我起码还是一个人,需要那么一点点的尊敬。可是我没反驳,只是静静的坐在车里,用很多谎言来安抚自己的心。
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My Radios

Life is a bed of roses
Life is like a bed of roses,
Charming and pretty,
like a rosy red lips seducing,
Yet, lying on a bed of roses,
full of misery and pains,
the thorns that hurts despite the buds that attracts.
Life is a bed of roses...
Charming and pretty,
like a rosy red lips seducing,
Yet, lying on a bed of roses,
full of misery and pains,
the thorns that hurts despite the buds that attracts.
Life is a bed of roses...
Monday, September 14, 2009
从古至今,将军领兵马逢战需知己知彼。当军中缺乏粮饷,马弱兵瘦就本该撤军,避免部下死伤然后东山再起。偏偏皇上有令,此战不得有误,一定要凯旋归来。将军进退两难... 攻则败,全军覆没;退也败,人头不保。也难怪有些将军战场自尽,有些则疯疯癫癫归城。
一直以来,教师对学生的学习能力了如指掌。学生智商不足或学习进度太慢,本来应该留级重修,避免考试榜上无名,浪费公款。偏偏教育政策规定,只要年龄一到就要报考,而且要教师确保个个都优秀。教师进退两难... 考就当掉了,及格率零巴仙;不考也完蛋,教育部来问话。也难怪有些教师未退休年龄就辞职,有些最后搞到疯疯癫癫退休了。
一直以来,教师对学生的学习能力了如指掌。学生智商不足或学习进度太慢,本来应该留级重修,避免考试榜上无名,浪费公款。偏偏教育政策规定,只要年龄一到就要报考,而且要教师确保个个都优秀。教师进退两难... 考就当掉了,及格率零巴仙;不考也完蛋,教育部来问话。也难怪有些教师未退休年龄就辞职,有些最后搞到疯疯癫癫退休了。
An answer
"Why you guys put so much efforts in it? Do you get paid or something?" asked a friend of mine.
Dear friend,
I am not paid and we are not paid. We pay the organization. We pay it with our energy, time, efforts and even own money. Why? The spirit to serve that keep us alive. That's the best payment we get. We are proud to call ourselves "volunteers".
Dear friend,
I am not paid and we are not paid. We pay the organization. We pay it with our energy, time, efforts and even own money. Why? The spirit to serve that keep us alive. That's the best payment we get. We are proud to call ourselves "volunteers".
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Looking at "haze" from a different view
When we talk about haze, we talk about open burning. Secondary school students write in their essay that reducing haze problem is by stopping open burning. How to stop open burning? Give those people "Saman" of course!
BUT, have any of us think from the view of a farmer? Farmer is the one responsible to start the open burning. So "saman" them? It's cruel...
Farmers burn their the grasses and trees on their land to nourish the soil. Their lifes and their family member's stomach depends on the land. When the land stop producing crops, then their mouth stop eating. They solely rely on the land. If they don't burn the land, then what should they do to keep their family alive?
I think of these when i pass through a paddy field where smoke is puffing from the middle of the field. At first i scold them in my heart who is stupid enough to do burning during these terrible hot day. But i regretted when i saw their dull faces.
They don't have the choice. It is either pollution or starving.
BUT, have any of us think from the view of a farmer? Farmer is the one responsible to start the open burning. So "saman" them? It's cruel...
Farmers burn their the grasses and trees on their land to nourish the soil. Their lifes and their family member's stomach depends on the land. When the land stop producing crops, then their mouth stop eating. They solely rely on the land. If they don't burn the land, then what should they do to keep their family alive?
I think of these when i pass through a paddy field where smoke is puffing from the middle of the field. At first i scold them in my heart who is stupid enough to do burning during these terrible hot day. But i regretted when i saw their dull faces.
They don't have the choice. It is either pollution or starving.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
What Malaysia had become...
I'm born in Malaysia, and I love Malaysia.Malaysia had been a peaceful country since i started to remember things, but somehow it changed.
Oh, sorry... I apologize. I should say "partially" it changed.
Partially? Yes, partially!
Here in Sarawak, Chinese, Malay, Indians, Ibans, Bidayuh, local natives, tourist and even foreigners still live peacefully. Chinese enjoy tuak in long house, Iban eating nasi lemak with thumbs up, Malay food stall, Chinese food stall, Indian food stall, Pakistanis food stall all under one roof. We share the same nation, same toleration although we talk different and we look different.
Oops! I have to say sorry again!
We don't talk different. Chinese talking in Iban, Malay talking in Chinese, Indians talking in Iban, Chinese, Malay, English, Tamil and Urdu! We looks the same, Chinese looks like Malay, Malay looks like Indian, Iban look like Chinese...
Chinese kahwin Malay, Malay kahwin Indian, Indian kahwin Iban, Iban kahwin Bidayuh, Bidayuh kahwin orang putih, Orang putih kahwin Chinese, Chinese kahwin Indian, Indian kahwin Bidayuh, Iban kahwin Chinese, blah blah blah. Yea, we mess it up already! So we call ourselves MALAYSIANS!
Why fight with each other? People will call you "paloi" if you fight over some nonsense issues that seems happening lately in Semenanjung that wasted so much papers in printing those news. Where did the paper come from? The jungle of Sabah and Sarawak! Please, don't waste papers!
Anyway, I pitied the "lembu" which got slaughtered for his head. I wonder what they do with the other parts of the cow. Pity cow...
For all the Sarawakians, we are glad that we still playing football on the dirty field and everyone are covered by muds. So, Muthu looks muddy, Ah Kiong looks muddy, Ahmad looks muddy, Freddie looks muddy... everybody looks muddy! And best of all, everyone show their same white teeth through their smile and went back home getting the same scolding from their mother because of the dirt.
Oh, sorry... I apologize. I should say "partially" it changed.
Partially? Yes, partially!
Here in Sarawak, Chinese, Malay, Indians, Ibans, Bidayuh, local natives, tourist and even foreigners still live peacefully. Chinese enjoy tuak in long house, Iban eating nasi lemak with thumbs up, Malay food stall, Chinese food stall, Indian food stall, Pakistanis food stall all under one roof. We share the same nation, same toleration although we talk different and we look different.
Oops! I have to say sorry again!
We don't talk different. Chinese talking in Iban, Malay talking in Chinese, Indians talking in Iban, Chinese, Malay, English, Tamil and Urdu! We looks the same, Chinese looks like Malay, Malay looks like Indian, Iban look like Chinese...
Chinese kahwin Malay, Malay kahwin Indian, Indian kahwin Iban, Iban kahwin Bidayuh, Bidayuh kahwin orang putih, Orang putih kahwin Chinese, Chinese kahwin Indian, Indian kahwin Bidayuh, Iban kahwin Chinese, blah blah blah. Yea, we mess it up already! So we call ourselves MALAYSIANS!
Why fight with each other? People will call you "paloi" if you fight over some nonsense issues that seems happening lately in Semenanjung that wasted so much papers in printing those news. Where did the paper come from? The jungle of Sabah and Sarawak! Please, don't waste papers!
Anyway, I pitied the "lembu" which got slaughtered for his head. I wonder what they do with the other parts of the cow. Pity cow...
For all the Sarawakians, we are glad that we still playing football on the dirty field and everyone are covered by muds. So, Muthu looks muddy, Ah Kiong looks muddy, Ahmad looks muddy, Freddie looks muddy... everybody looks muddy! And best of all, everyone show their same white teeth through their smile and went back home getting the same scolding from their mother because of the dirt.
SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Berdialog? Musyawarah? Perbincangan? Adat sopan santun?
Saya jadi orang Malaysia rasa begitu MALU dengan sikap yang tidak bertamadun ini!
Saya jadi orang Malaysia rasa begitu MALU dengan sikap yang tidak bertamadun ini!
Saya sudah malas untuk mengulas. Membazir tenaga saya menaip.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
KWAPM is a fund from government to assist students in supporting their education. This fund is given to low income families according to the numbers of children studying in government primary schools. Each child will get around RM120 per year. For family with 3 children in primary school, they will get around RM360 each time. Government expect parents or guardians to use this money to support education fees for the children.
Reference: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3246710/pekeliling-KWAMP-
This is what happened...
Cikgu : Apai bisik beli baju sekula, kasut sekula baru?
(Did your father buy new school uniform and new shoes for you?)
Student : Nadai Cikgu!
(No, teacher. )
Cikgu: Dini duit KWAPM seratus dua puluh ringgit Guru Besar meri?
(Where is the RM120 KWAPM that headmaster gave?)
Student: Apai beli maioh langkau ngau rokok nganjung pulai rumah.
(Father bought a lot of cigarette and beer.)
That's where the money started to flow out and also where it finished.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sushi King offer
Sushi King of Malaysia have a challenge to their respective customers. Whoever can finish the Big Bowl Noodle that cost RM38.80 in 10 minutes time will have the dish free of charge. This is something quite new to us as i never struck such offer in any restaurant before.
For normal people like us, it is quite impossible to slurp the whole bowl in ten minutes. I bet the chef will purposely cook the soup boiling hot so that it took longer time to cool down before can start enjoying the dish.
I'm wondering... If I'm a construction contractor and I brought 20 of my construction foreign workers going to the shop, sit down and order this particular dish everyday. Will the shop close down in 2 weeks?
For normal people like us, it is quite impossible to slurp the whole bowl in ten minutes. I bet the chef will purposely cook the soup boiling hot so that it took longer time to cool down before can start enjoying the dish.
I'm wondering... If I'm a construction contractor and I brought 20 of my construction foreign workers going to the shop, sit down and order this particular dish everyday. Will the shop close down in 2 weeks?
Monday, August 31, 2009
CIS cake!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ketamakan 2
Cerita yang disampaikan ini bukanlah sambungan daripada cerita pertama tetapi berlaku di pekan yang sama. Ingat, cerita ini hanyalah rekaan semata-mata, tidak berkaitan dengan sesiapa yang masih hidup atau yang sudah meninggal dunia. Jadikanlah moral cerita ini menjadi pedoman hidup.
Cerita ini pula mengenai seorang cikgu dan seorang juruwang, Mary dan John. Mary dan John ini adalah suami isteri yang hidup di pekan kecil. Gaji mereka tidak seberapa, hanya mencukupi untuk menampung kehidupan keluarga bertiga ini, termasuk seorang anaknya yang mula bersekolah di sekolah rendah.
Walaupun gaji mereka tidak seberapa, tetapi anehnya Mary menikmati kehidupan seperti selebriti. Pakaian yang bernilai beratus-ratus ringgit, kereta mewah, rumah banglo, peercutian di negara Eropah dan tinggal di hotel terkemuka yang mahal sekali memang menjadi idaman semua rakan sekerja. "Tengok! Suami Mary ini sangat bernasib baiklah. Selalu kena loteri", kata seorang rakan sekerjanya.
Dari mana datangnya wang ini? Untuk menceritakan asal-usul wang ini, kita akan menceritakan tentang diri John. John bekerja sebagai juruwang di sebuah bank. Bekerja di bank berkaitan langsung dengan wang. Semasa John menjual pelbagai jenis amanah saham di bank, dia telah menggelapkan wang-wang yang dilaburkan oleh orang lain. Jumlah yang telah digelapkannya mencecah ratusan ribu. John juga pergi mempromosi dan menjual saham-saham ini di perkampungan dan pedalaman. Dia memilih tempat-tempat ini kerana dia tahu mereka ini lebih senang diperdayakan.
Syaitan telah memberikan begitu banyak wang kepada John dan keluarganya untuk menikmati kemewahan hidup. Syaitan juga yang telah membinasakan keluarganya kerana menikmati kemewahan dengan wang haram itu.
Muslihat keji ini telah didapati oleh pihak atasannya kerana beberapa orang pelanggan mula mengadu tentang ketepatan maklumat pelaburan mereka dalam bank. Perkara ini telah menjadi kes polis. John telah menghilangkan diri setelah mendapati muslihatnya sudah diketahui dan polis mulai memburunya.
Selepas John menghilangkan diri, orang ramai telah beralih kepada Mary untuk menuntut kembali wang-wang mereka. Jumlah yang dituntut itu bukan kecil. Lihatlah rumah, kereta, pakaian dan cara hidup mereka yang lalu kini mahu dituntut kembali. Sebilangan orang mengupah samseng untuk menuntut wang ini. Semua orang ini mengerumuni rumah Mary setiap hari.
Apabila Mary mahu pergi bekerja, dia menelefon polis. Apabila peronda polis datang, samseng-samseng akan menghilangkan diri dan Mary mengambil peluang ini untuk keluar rumah. Bagitu juga apabila Mary balik ke rumah, dia akan memanggil polis lagi. Samseng-samseng tidak dapat membuat apa-apa terhadapnya.
Samseng-samseng telah menyebarkan khabar angin mereka akan menculik anaknya memandangkan mereka tidak dapat sesen pun selama beberapa hari. Kali ini Mary mula ketakutan. Dia risau sesuatu perkara buruk akan berlaku kepada anak kesayangannya.
Mary meminta pertukaran kecemasan dan segera diluluskan oleh Pejabat Pendidikan. Baju-bajunya yang berharga, komputer, televisyen, perabot, alat-alat elektrik di rumah telah dilelong murah kepada jiran-jiran. Dia terus berpindah pada hari keesokan.
Tiada khabar mengenai mereka selepas itu. Tetapi khabar angin mengatakan John telah ditangkap polis dan meringkuk penjara. Entah betul atau palsu khabar angin itu.
Begitulah syaitan membisik kepada sebuah keluarga yang bahagia. Begitu jugalah syaitan merampas kemewahan dan kebahagiaan keluarga itu. Kita yang hidup di dunia ini terima rezeki sekadar cukup sahaja. Berilah sedekah seperti Allah memberi sedekah kepada umat manusia. Janganlah dikaburi ilusi yang direka oleh syaitan. Itu haram namanya.
Cerita ini pula mengenai seorang cikgu dan seorang juruwang, Mary dan John. Mary dan John ini adalah suami isteri yang hidup di pekan kecil. Gaji mereka tidak seberapa, hanya mencukupi untuk menampung kehidupan keluarga bertiga ini, termasuk seorang anaknya yang mula bersekolah di sekolah rendah.
Walaupun gaji mereka tidak seberapa, tetapi anehnya Mary menikmati kehidupan seperti selebriti. Pakaian yang bernilai beratus-ratus ringgit, kereta mewah, rumah banglo, peercutian di negara Eropah dan tinggal di hotel terkemuka yang mahal sekali memang menjadi idaman semua rakan sekerja. "Tengok! Suami Mary ini sangat bernasib baiklah. Selalu kena loteri", kata seorang rakan sekerjanya.
Dari mana datangnya wang ini? Untuk menceritakan asal-usul wang ini, kita akan menceritakan tentang diri John. John bekerja sebagai juruwang di sebuah bank. Bekerja di bank berkaitan langsung dengan wang. Semasa John menjual pelbagai jenis amanah saham di bank, dia telah menggelapkan wang-wang yang dilaburkan oleh orang lain. Jumlah yang telah digelapkannya mencecah ratusan ribu. John juga pergi mempromosi dan menjual saham-saham ini di perkampungan dan pedalaman. Dia memilih tempat-tempat ini kerana dia tahu mereka ini lebih senang diperdayakan.
Syaitan telah memberikan begitu banyak wang kepada John dan keluarganya untuk menikmati kemewahan hidup. Syaitan juga yang telah membinasakan keluarganya kerana menikmati kemewahan dengan wang haram itu.
Muslihat keji ini telah didapati oleh pihak atasannya kerana beberapa orang pelanggan mula mengadu tentang ketepatan maklumat pelaburan mereka dalam bank. Perkara ini telah menjadi kes polis. John telah menghilangkan diri setelah mendapati muslihatnya sudah diketahui dan polis mulai memburunya.
Selepas John menghilangkan diri, orang ramai telah beralih kepada Mary untuk menuntut kembali wang-wang mereka. Jumlah yang dituntut itu bukan kecil. Lihatlah rumah, kereta, pakaian dan cara hidup mereka yang lalu kini mahu dituntut kembali. Sebilangan orang mengupah samseng untuk menuntut wang ini. Semua orang ini mengerumuni rumah Mary setiap hari.
Apabila Mary mahu pergi bekerja, dia menelefon polis. Apabila peronda polis datang, samseng-samseng akan menghilangkan diri dan Mary mengambil peluang ini untuk keluar rumah. Bagitu juga apabila Mary balik ke rumah, dia akan memanggil polis lagi. Samseng-samseng tidak dapat membuat apa-apa terhadapnya.
Samseng-samseng telah menyebarkan khabar angin mereka akan menculik anaknya memandangkan mereka tidak dapat sesen pun selama beberapa hari. Kali ini Mary mula ketakutan. Dia risau sesuatu perkara buruk akan berlaku kepada anak kesayangannya.
Mary meminta pertukaran kecemasan dan segera diluluskan oleh Pejabat Pendidikan. Baju-bajunya yang berharga, komputer, televisyen, perabot, alat-alat elektrik di rumah telah dilelong murah kepada jiran-jiran. Dia terus berpindah pada hari keesokan.
Tiada khabar mengenai mereka selepas itu. Tetapi khabar angin mengatakan John telah ditangkap polis dan meringkuk penjara. Entah betul atau palsu khabar angin itu.
Begitulah syaitan membisik kepada sebuah keluarga yang bahagia. Begitu jugalah syaitan merampas kemewahan dan kebahagiaan keluarga itu. Kita yang hidup di dunia ini terima rezeki sekadar cukup sahaja. Berilah sedekah seperti Allah memberi sedekah kepada umat manusia. Janganlah dikaburi ilusi yang direka oleh syaitan. Itu haram namanya.
Ketamakan 1
Cerita ini adalah rekaan semata-mata dan tidak berkaitan dengan sesiapa yang hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia. Cerita ini dikongsi bersama hanya untuk menghayati nilai-nilai moral dan bukannya untuk menghina sesiapa yang secara kebetulan mempunyai pengalaman yang serupa. Cerita ini adalah mengenai seorang kontraktor elektrik yang tamak dan isterinya.
Kontraktor wayar dan elektrik ini bernama Ah Kiong dan tinggal di sebuah pekan kecil. Kerja-kerja Ah Kiong adalah untuk memasang wayar-wayar dan soket-soket dalam rumah yang baru dibina. Sikap Ah Kiong yang tamakkan wang memang diketahui seluruh pelusuk pekan.
Setiap kali Ah Kiong memasang wayar dan soket, dia akan memujuk pemilik rumah untuk memasang lebih banyak soket kerana dia mendapat untung yang lebih dengan soket dan wayar yang dipasang. Jikalau pemilik rumah enggan memasang soket berlebihan itu, maka Ah Kiong akan mengenakan caj lebihan kepada pemilik rumah. Ramai pemilik rumah hanya membayar sahaja kerana tidak mahu menimbulkan sebarang perselisihan dengan orang lain. Maklumlah hidup dalam pekan yang serba kecil ini memang aman damai. Tiada sesiapa ingin mewujudkan masalah.
Ah Kiong memiliki sebidang tanah yang penuh ditanam dengan pokok-pokok lada. Pada suatu hari, Ah Kiong menyuruh isterinya menghantar dua orang pekerja asing ke ladang pokok lada untuk melakukan kerja-kerja membaja dengan alasan dia tiada masa lapang. Justeru isterinya pun menghantar dua orang pekerja itu ke ladang dengan van putih miliknya.
Semasa dalam perjalanan, dua orang pekerja itu mengambil cangkul yang dibawa bersama dalam van lalu mengetuk kepala isteri Ah Kiong. Isteri Ah Kiong terus pengsan kerana ketukan yang kuat itu. Kepala isterinya berlumuran darah. Barang-barang kemas dan wang yang dibawa bersama telah dikebas oleh pekerja-pekerjanya lalu melarikan diri.
Isteri Ah Kiong telah diwadkan dalam hospital. Keadaannya begitu kritikal kerana tengkoraknya pecah dan telah mencederakan saraf-saraf otak. Matanya sudah hampir buta. Kawan-kawan isteri Ah Kiong datang melawatnya di hospital. Seorang kawannya, Mary telah memberitahu Ah Kiong, " Kinog, pergilah kepada isteri kamu tu. Sekarang ini dia paling perlukan sokonganmu."
Isterinya bernasib baik dan telah melimpasi saat-saat genting itu. Dia telah sembuh selepas tiga bulan di hospital dan kembali ke rumah untuk berehat.
Suatu hari, sebuah ambulans telah datang dan pulang selepas beberapa ketika. Selepas ambulans telah meninggalkan pagar rumah Ah Kiong, datang pula beberapa buah kereta polis dan sekumpulan forensik di rumahnya. Orang ramai berkumpul di luar pagar, berbisik-bisik dan meneka perkara yang berlaku di rumah Ah Kiong. Riuh satu pekan di luar rumah Ah Kiong.
Selepas sejam dalam rumah, Ah Kiong telah keluar dari rumah dan memberitahu jiran-jiran isterinya jatuh semasa pergi ke bilik mandi dan telah mati di bilik mandi. Terkejut semua orang mendengar berita ini. Selepas itu, Ah Kiong pun menaiki kereta polis meninggalkan perkarangan rumahnya. Berita isteri Ah Kiong mati kerana terjatuh dalam bilik mandi tersebar luas di pekan. Setiap orang dalam pekan bahkan kanak-kanak pun mengetahui isteri Ah Kiong mati kerana terjatuh dalam bilik mandi.
Selepas tiga hari, kereta polis yang sama telah kembali di hadapan rumah Ah Kiong. Kali ini Ah Kiong digari dan masuk ke dalam kereta. Mereka meninggalkan perkarangan rumahnya sama seperti tiga hari yang lepas tetapi dengan tangannya digari.
Ah Kiong dijatuhkan hukuman gantung kerana membunuh. Pembedahan siasat mendapati punca kematian bukannya kerana jatuh. Mereka telah menjumpai kesan cekikan pada leher mayat isterinya. Ah Kiong telah mereka situasi terjatuh itu untuk mendapatkan pampasan insuran yang dibeli ini tidak lama dahulu.
Wang itu kadang-kadang menjadi bisikan syaitan.
Manusia boleh menjadi syaitan kerana bisikan ini.
Kontraktor wayar dan elektrik ini bernama Ah Kiong dan tinggal di sebuah pekan kecil. Kerja-kerja Ah Kiong adalah untuk memasang wayar-wayar dan soket-soket dalam rumah yang baru dibina. Sikap Ah Kiong yang tamakkan wang memang diketahui seluruh pelusuk pekan.
Setiap kali Ah Kiong memasang wayar dan soket, dia akan memujuk pemilik rumah untuk memasang lebih banyak soket kerana dia mendapat untung yang lebih dengan soket dan wayar yang dipasang. Jikalau pemilik rumah enggan memasang soket berlebihan itu, maka Ah Kiong akan mengenakan caj lebihan kepada pemilik rumah. Ramai pemilik rumah hanya membayar sahaja kerana tidak mahu menimbulkan sebarang perselisihan dengan orang lain. Maklumlah hidup dalam pekan yang serba kecil ini memang aman damai. Tiada sesiapa ingin mewujudkan masalah.
Ah Kiong memiliki sebidang tanah yang penuh ditanam dengan pokok-pokok lada. Pada suatu hari, Ah Kiong menyuruh isterinya menghantar dua orang pekerja asing ke ladang pokok lada untuk melakukan kerja-kerja membaja dengan alasan dia tiada masa lapang. Justeru isterinya pun menghantar dua orang pekerja itu ke ladang dengan van putih miliknya.
Semasa dalam perjalanan, dua orang pekerja itu mengambil cangkul yang dibawa bersama dalam van lalu mengetuk kepala isteri Ah Kiong. Isteri Ah Kiong terus pengsan kerana ketukan yang kuat itu. Kepala isterinya berlumuran darah. Barang-barang kemas dan wang yang dibawa bersama telah dikebas oleh pekerja-pekerjanya lalu melarikan diri.
Isteri Ah Kiong telah diwadkan dalam hospital. Keadaannya begitu kritikal kerana tengkoraknya pecah dan telah mencederakan saraf-saraf otak. Matanya sudah hampir buta. Kawan-kawan isteri Ah Kiong datang melawatnya di hospital. Seorang kawannya, Mary telah memberitahu Ah Kiong, " Kinog, pergilah kepada isteri kamu tu. Sekarang ini dia paling perlukan sokonganmu."
Isterinya bernasib baik dan telah melimpasi saat-saat genting itu. Dia telah sembuh selepas tiga bulan di hospital dan kembali ke rumah untuk berehat.
Suatu hari, sebuah ambulans telah datang dan pulang selepas beberapa ketika. Selepas ambulans telah meninggalkan pagar rumah Ah Kiong, datang pula beberapa buah kereta polis dan sekumpulan forensik di rumahnya. Orang ramai berkumpul di luar pagar, berbisik-bisik dan meneka perkara yang berlaku di rumah Ah Kiong. Riuh satu pekan di luar rumah Ah Kiong.
Selepas sejam dalam rumah, Ah Kiong telah keluar dari rumah dan memberitahu jiran-jiran isterinya jatuh semasa pergi ke bilik mandi dan telah mati di bilik mandi. Terkejut semua orang mendengar berita ini. Selepas itu, Ah Kiong pun menaiki kereta polis meninggalkan perkarangan rumahnya. Berita isteri Ah Kiong mati kerana terjatuh dalam bilik mandi tersebar luas di pekan. Setiap orang dalam pekan bahkan kanak-kanak pun mengetahui isteri Ah Kiong mati kerana terjatuh dalam bilik mandi.
Selepas tiga hari, kereta polis yang sama telah kembali di hadapan rumah Ah Kiong. Kali ini Ah Kiong digari dan masuk ke dalam kereta. Mereka meninggalkan perkarangan rumahnya sama seperti tiga hari yang lepas tetapi dengan tangannya digari.
Ah Kiong dijatuhkan hukuman gantung kerana membunuh. Pembedahan siasat mendapati punca kematian bukannya kerana jatuh. Mereka telah menjumpai kesan cekikan pada leher mayat isterinya. Ah Kiong telah mereka situasi terjatuh itu untuk mendapatkan pampasan insuran yang dibeli ini tidak lama dahulu.
Wang itu kadang-kadang menjadi bisikan syaitan.
Manusia boleh menjadi syaitan kerana bisikan ini.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Jalan yang salah
Setitis air mata mengalir perlahan-lahan daripadanya. Titisan ini jatuh di atas lantai permaidani, terus menghilang dalam fabrik lembut seperti sebuah harapan yang gaib entah ke mana. Wajahnya masih ayu tetapi penuh dengan duka. Titisan demi titisan telah membasahi permaidani yang menghiasi ruang legar sebuah hotel terkemuka di Ibu Kota.
Bayangan seorang lelaki bersama seorang perempuan telah lesap dari pandangan. Lelaki empat puluhan yang membawa seorang wanita serba menawan memang jelas adalah lelaki yang pernah disayanginya dengan sepenuh hati. Hatinya seperti diguris duri bunga ros, mengalirkan darah kesedihan dan kekecewaan. Buat seketika Wati mempertikaikan perkara yang telah berlaku di hadapan matanya sendiri. Kemudian dia sedar realiti tetap realiti. Tidak kira beribu-ribu alasan diberikan kepada dirinya untuk menolak kenyataan itu, ia tetap realiti.
Sekeping kertas tisu yang berwarna putih suci dikesat perlahan-lahan pada pipi basah Wati, mengeringkan muka ayu yang dibasahi air mata. Lelaki itu tidak berkata-kata, hanya terus mengelap air matanya dengan sekeping kertas tisu yang baru. Mata lelaki itu memandang dalam-dalam mata Wati yang masih basah, seolah-olah menasihatinya untuk melupakan Si bedebah yang jahanam itu.
Wati amat menyesal kerana telah memilih jalan yang membawanya ke penghujung jalan yang tiada kegembiraan. Wati menyesal kerana tidak memilih jejaka yang masih menghulurkan kertas tisu kepadanya pada saat-saat memeritkan hati ini. Tiga tahun lalu, Wati telah memilih untuk bernikah dengan Zaidrus kerana Zaidrus lebih pandai mengambil hatinya daripada Zul. Sekarang Wati sudah sedar betapa bodoh dirinya ketika itu.
Bayangan seorang lelaki bersama seorang perempuan telah lesap dari pandangan. Lelaki empat puluhan yang membawa seorang wanita serba menawan memang jelas adalah lelaki yang pernah disayanginya dengan sepenuh hati. Hatinya seperti diguris duri bunga ros, mengalirkan darah kesedihan dan kekecewaan. Buat seketika Wati mempertikaikan perkara yang telah berlaku di hadapan matanya sendiri. Kemudian dia sedar realiti tetap realiti. Tidak kira beribu-ribu alasan diberikan kepada dirinya untuk menolak kenyataan itu, ia tetap realiti.
Sekeping kertas tisu yang berwarna putih suci dikesat perlahan-lahan pada pipi basah Wati, mengeringkan muka ayu yang dibasahi air mata. Lelaki itu tidak berkata-kata, hanya terus mengelap air matanya dengan sekeping kertas tisu yang baru. Mata lelaki itu memandang dalam-dalam mata Wati yang masih basah, seolah-olah menasihatinya untuk melupakan Si bedebah yang jahanam itu.
Wati amat menyesal kerana telah memilih jalan yang membawanya ke penghujung jalan yang tiada kegembiraan. Wati menyesal kerana tidak memilih jejaka yang masih menghulurkan kertas tisu kepadanya pada saat-saat memeritkan hati ini. Tiga tahun lalu, Wati telah memilih untuk bernikah dengan Zaidrus kerana Zaidrus lebih pandai mengambil hatinya daripada Zul. Sekarang Wati sudah sedar betapa bodoh dirinya ketika itu.
To my students
Dear all Connaught2 Yr 6 children,
It had been more then 8 months I leave school. Although life still continues but once in a blue moon I still wonder how are you all. Been hearing some news of you all from some colleagues in school. I know some of you are progressing relatively well and some still have a lot of room for improvement. UPSR is coming near so I hope you all are getting ready for it and strive your best for the sake of your future.
As I always said, Bahasa Melayu itu penting. Equip yourself with enough knowledge so that you all can stay strong in the society. Study hard and study smart. Send regards to everyone.
It had been more then 8 months I leave school. Although life still continues but once in a blue moon I still wonder how are you all. Been hearing some news of you all from some colleagues in school. I know some of you are progressing relatively well and some still have a lot of room for improvement. UPSR is coming near so I hope you all are getting ready for it and strive your best for the sake of your future.
As I always said, Bahasa Melayu itu penting. Equip yourself with enough knowledge so that you all can stay strong in the society. Study hard and study smart. Send regards to everyone.
Malaysia Boleh!!!
"Negaraku" asal "mamula moon"
"Perodua Kenari" asal "Daihatsu Move"

"Perodua Viva" asal "Daihatsu Mira"

"Proton Saga" asal "Mitsubishi Lancer 4th Generation"

"Proton Wira" asal "Mitsubishi Lancer 6th Generation"

Pendet Dance
"JAKARTA: Singer Aura Kasih said she could not help feeling sorry for Malaysia for claiming Indonesian culture as its own, as shown in its controversial tourism ad that features the popular Balinese welcoming dance, Pendet. "
Rasa Sayang
Pengakuan dari UNESCO tersebut menurut Jero Wacik akan diputuskan pada Bulan September mendatang di Perancis. "Lima negara sudah berdiskusi dan mempelajari dalam waktu yang lama. Kemungkinan besar batik akan menjadi milik kita, karena akan segera diakui dunia," kata Wacik di sela-sela dialog bersama seniman dan budayawan di Hotel Melia Purosani Yogyakarta, Senin (22/6/2009) malam.
Wayang Kulit
Some more.........

and last but not least....

Malaysia Boleh!!!
"Perodua Kenari" asal "Daihatsu Move"

"Perodua Viva" asal "Daihatsu Mira"

"Proton Saga" asal "Mitsubishi Lancer 4th Generation"

"Proton Wira" asal "Mitsubishi Lancer 6th Generation"

Pendet Dance
"JAKARTA: Singer Aura Kasih said she could not help feeling sorry for Malaysia for claiming Indonesian culture as its own, as shown in its controversial tourism ad that features the popular Balinese welcoming dance, Pendet. "
Rasa Sayang
Malaysian theft of the "Rasa Sayange" song.
"Rasa Sayange" is a traditional or folk song believed to have come from the eastern Indonesian islands of Maluku, or the Moluccas, whose modern version was first recorded in the 1950's.http://www.indonesiamatters.com/1432/rasa-sayang/
Pengakuan dari UNESCO tersebut menurut Jero Wacik akan diputuskan pada Bulan September mendatang di Perancis. "Lima negara sudah berdiskusi dan mempelajari dalam waktu yang lama. Kemungkinan besar batik akan menjadi milik kita, karena akan segera diakui dunia," kata Wacik di sela-sela dialog bersama seniman dan budayawan di Hotel Melia Purosani Yogyakarta, Senin (22/6/2009) malam.
Wayang Kulit
Wayang is well integrated in Javanese society, and it is considered to be a highlight of Javanese culture. Wayang Kulit was already established in the East Javanese kingdoms one thousand years ago.
Some more.........

and last but not least....

Malaysia Boleh!!!
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