Monday, December 14, 2009

14 December 2009

1. Rapid Deployment Squad.

Just back from RDS Workshop. During this workshop i realized that I'm quite left behind in terms of skills because it had been so long since last i practice all the skills. It's time to polish up all my skills again.

Learn a proverb, told by Mr Loi "He who know not, and know not, is willing to learn. Teach him".

Had a good time in the course although my ear been pulled by Mr Loi.

2. Making Appointment to see Government Specialist Doctor

Medication cost for dad is a little unbearable so private doctor refer the case to government to follow up. Reach Sibu Hospital to do the appointment. I had no comment about the queue, the services and etc because it is all not user friendly, and is well known. Did the appointment and the working person say the appointment available is on 5 April next year. Well, what i can say is, "WTF". If it happens that the person who want to make appointment is having cancer or need kidney dialysis then when the date of appoinment arrived he might have already halfway rotten in the coffin.

No choice so go back and continue the medication from private. No wonder specialist clinics are still the first choice for those who afford it. Pity those poor people who can't afford their medication. Telling them the appointment date is like telling them when they are going to die.

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