Monday, June 1, 2009


"Punctuality" is not an enormous phylosophy or great discovery. It is a basic self discipline. In fact, punctuality is a moral value taught all around the globe. Everyone understand and may get perfect score in Moral Paper but how many people actually really practice it in life?

Chinese community had a bad practice on "Punctuality". It is a norme for weddings and dinners to start half to an hour late than the supposed time. It is an unwritten rule than the actual time to arrive at the venue is half an hour later than the time printed in the invitation.

Lately I'm really troubled with people besides who taken this discipline lightly. I had been telling him to be punctual and the importance of punctuality. Everytime i advice him, i feel like a fool, or i should say invisible-fool. Meetings by meetings he is always late. Meeting won't start without him. That cause us to wait and wait and wait. If the late were unintentionally then it is forgivable but not other wise.In this case, when other people realise our meeting never start in time, then all come late. In the end, it will be a meeting for everybody to wait for everybody. How bad will this turnout to be.

Why we want this miserable things to happen when it can be prevented so easily? It is only a self discipline, "PUNCTUALITY". Everyone be on time and everything start on time and finish in time, end of problem! As simple as that...

So please, be fair to those who are punctual and be punctual for every events in you life.

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