Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Accident in school

Yesterday, the old school bell fell off the ceiling and hit the head of a student.

He didn't complaint anything after that, he just tell everyone what he did and how it fell down. The copper bell is an old school bell, as old as the school. Students take charge to ring the bell according to schedule. When the incident happens, it is only 7.30am. Headmaster look for wounds on his head and found none. So, everybody just continues their own chores and leave the classroom.

We are discussing about the matter after some time in the office. It feels not right for leaving such case aside but we don't want to give too much opinions as decision had been made by the superior.

9.00 am, a teacher ask the boy is feeling dizzy or not, he gave a yes. That teacher alert us to check on him again and we decided to send him to the nearby Klinik Desa for a checkup in case anything happen.When the boy comes back, I heard about a pack of panadol and pain killer. Case already been referred to the professionals, should be okay.

When it is my session in that class, I asked to see the medication given. I am shocked. The clinic only prescribe paracetamol and ascorbic acid. That is total useless medication for a hard hit on the head. What is Vitamin C and PCM for in such condition? Then I realize the boy is acting weird. He is sleepy, opening his mouth from time to time, complaining dizziness and want to vomit. It was the exact symptoms for head and spine injuries. It might turnout serious, or fatal.

His mother came to school after a call. The family decided to send the boy to a private doctor instead of government hospital. A local church's van came and send them over. The doctor refer the case to specialist centre in Sibu for immediate CT Scan.

I told this story to a Senior Medical Assistant for comments about the medication issue that very night. He told me this case should not be taken lightly as what happened. Standard procedure in government hospital for these cases is to be observed for 24 hours, not going home with a few pieces of PCM and vitamin C tablets.

Today, the mother is calling school again. She is not happy because she had to pay the bill. She says government suppose to pay for it. Headmaster gave a big sorry to her and told her claims is not eligible if treatment done in private clinics. There is a big turmoil until the school PIBG decided to pay the bill.

The old clock were moved away to somewhere low and reachable. I must say, if this case happens in SJKC C2, I believed it will not be solved by just paying the bills. But anyhow, peace remains in school and nothing bad happen. Safety is so important, which sometimes we neglected it until something happens.

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