Friday, February 20, 2009

Ular Besar!

This is a cutting from a local newspaper reporting a photo of a snake taken at Baleh River. That time is rainy season and there are flood everywhere in Sarawak. A member of disaster relief took this photo with his camera phone from a helicopter during a survey at Baleh River. As you can see from the photo, the snake is ridiculously big.

In Sarawak, big snake like this is called Nabau as there is a legendary story about it. According to Iban legend, Nabau is a giant snake comparable to the size of a drum and is more than 100 feet in length. One day, the mythical serpent turned into a human being, trying to seduce a warrior’s wife. The warrior caught and sliced the serpent into seven pieces and threw them into the river. The flesh later settled to form seven rocks where the seven rapids are now situated, along the great Rejang River.

Despite being reported in the newspaper, peoples are disccussing it online and most of them believe the photo had been engineered by combining river and snake with Photoshop. Another point which they raise up is the colour of the water. Rejang river is had yellowish water but what we saw in the photo is clean and clear.

So, it is up to you to believe or not.

This is the Nabau taken from the helicopter.

This is another big snake taken few years back in Sarawak.

View of Sarawak River for you to think twice about the fact.

Complicated relations

My story below will be quite complicated. You can try figure it out if you got the time. Even myself get confused.

I had a student by the name of Kenneth. Not to mention the real name as it involves individual privacy. He had a very complicated background which makes me think and puzzling about it whole day until I figured it out lastly.

I first found something fishy when I look into two different background information form of the same student. Kenneth had a chinese name and a chinese surname in the first form. Column for father's name is filled with a chinese name "Hii Kuong Ung". On the second form, name mentioned is just "Kenneth". Father's name is filled with an Iban name. I tried to find his birth certicate but a teacher told me that certificate is not accurate as he had change his name.

Actually this Kenneth is an Iban boy. He had a birth cert made by his birth parents. His parents can't afford to raise him after some time so they sell him to a chinese family. After the chinese family bought him, they gave him a chinese surname and a chinese name. Unluckily this chinese family is also not a stable family. The husband is always not at home and they broke off soonafter. They gave Kenneth a another Iban couple to raise him. They change his name back to his previous Iban name.

That is why he had so many parent's name on the forms as he had his birth cert changed so many times.

There is another year 4 student who had so many fathers until she can't even count how many father she had. Her mother get married and divorced so many times. All the stick and tear get her so many fathers and a few are even foreigners. We get really headache with all those informations and lastly we asked the mother to come to school and clarify everything.

Wonder why they want to make it so complicated?

Teaching about meal

When you are teaching about different meals in a day, it could be quite easy in town. Students will get the meaning just by listening to the words but it is totally different in rural here.

The don't understand the meaning of "breakfast", "lunch", "teatime" and "dinner". For them, whenever food is available, then it will be a meal. They don't differentiate every meals with a name like we do. We are just too luxurious. Parents send their children to school because school provide food under "Rancangan Makanan Tambahan". If not for the sake of food, they rather let their children help in the farm and earn more food.

A girl in my year 5 class always keep half of her RMT food in her bag. No matter what it is, either an orange or bread, she'll just stuck the food into the dirty little bag. Tried to teach her to get some plastic to wrap the food but she never cared. The half is for her sisters at home. That half might be the only meal for her sisters if their parents come back empty handed on that day.

It's kind of pity but that's the fact here. Remembered a boy in Nando's Restaurant, KL cried loudly in the restaurant because he don't like the taste of food. It became so ironic in my mind now.

Appreciate what we have now. We are much luckier than other peoples on the worlds. Every bits of food we had is a blessing. So, thank for it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Malaysian Police New Car

Malaysian Police bought new cars. This Lancer Evolution X will be use in high speed car chase and other duties. Now at least Malaysia Police got something which is better than those lousy Proton and Perodua cars.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Privacy is human right

1. Issues on Elizabeth and her nude pictures rolling on the net is making politic section hotter.

2. It is stupid to make such thing into political issue when there is nothing connected to politics except that she is a politician.

3. She is a victim. She doesn't purposely shows that she is a whore. She had her photo took without notice.

4. It's her private life. Why do they care she is having sex or not? Who doesn't? Najib? Abdullah? Lim Kit Siang? Nonsense!

5. She should not quit since she doesn't do anything to let down the trust of the people.

6. Shame the axxhxxx mxthxx fxckxx photographer.

7. Please leave her alone.

8. Stop playing politic tactics lika a three-year-old. We people are not dumb.

朋友,That's life












Thursday, February 12, 2009

Culture is different...

Something which is weird in our eyes may seems normal to others. This is closely related to culture and ways of life we had. Malaysia is a country with mixed cultures, religions and races. It is all about respect when we spot the difference between different ways of life you found on other people.

Here is the story:

Few weeks ago my school headmaster is grumbling about a little Year One boy which I name him Anthony. This little boy had been urinating at the school fence, shooting straight into the flower bushes.Anthony is removing his pants when headmaster saw him and shouted to him from far. Instead of stopping, Anthony just urinate till his satisfaction.

Headmaster took a few lessons to teach him to urinate and ways of using the school toilet. Pity this little boy. I understand that it was not his fault. I believe his longhouse did not have any toilets around. It is normal as I had been to a lot of longhouses with no toilets. During the visits, I also urinate into the bushes as they do. This time, it's the location which is not suitable.

Today my school headmaster start grumbling about a little Year One boy again. It is Anthony again. What did he do this time? No one teach him to have his defecating process in a toilet so he made a pile of "chocolate-cake" at the end of the field. As we always said, teaching and learning is a never ending process. Headmaster will have another few lessons to teach him using toilets again, this time adding a new topic "Some Other Functions of Toilet".

-The End-

Foot Drill SAS

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Perak Menteri Besar being BOOOOED

The new Perak Menteri Besar is accepted by Perakians? Want to know, then watch this video. I believe even a eight-years-old will get an answer after watching. Do enjoy!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009



注意了很多媒体的报导,包括BERNAMA, MEDIA PRIMA, MALAYSIAKINI TV, MALAYSIA TODAY, MALAYSIAN INSIDER, BERITA HARIAN ONLINE和 SINCHEW-I.COM。我发现他们的报道很有出入,非常的矛盾。其中一项例子就是关于旧州大臣在办公室喊叫驱逐记者的事情:有些媒体报道是旧州大臣在喊叫,一些却报导是州秘书长。我在MALAYSIAKINI TV看了视频,才知道一些媒体扭曲了事实,欺骗我们这些读者。当我们小孩子骗啦!


之前诗巫接近大选时淹水,拯救行动,船,什么都有!上星期淹水,鼻子都没看见, 害我还要爬邻居的墙壁到外头搭巴士回来泗里街。让大家来评评理!大选说的治水方案到现在连空白的方案纸都不知有没有,更不用期待什么治水大蓝图。投票时,在投票纸上画一只大大的乌龟,还要带着颜色笔,顺便把乌龟彩得漂亮点。作废票也要做得最好,做的最美!

好像扯远霹雳的事了, 不好意思...

新任洲大臣在上任之后拼命派钱,RM100 000给一个音乐剧团,RM100 000给印度人庆祝大普身节,还说“I want to tell all Indians, here, that I am the MB of all races and I am here for you”。 他也称赞那个音乐剧团的表演有世界水准,walau...你是谁这样有资格来说它是世界水准?拍马屁,车大炮! 那些钱对他们来说是小数目,随便派!还有,国政一个“美丽女神”上次说了“看见蛇和印度人,先要打印度人”,现在开始改了口风...

骂到有点累了,却好像骂不完... madam曾经吩咐我要照顾心脏,还是不骂了。祝新一年心想事成,步步高升,财源广进,幸福美满!去投票的时候记得要带颜色笔哦!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A lonely yet warm yuanxiaojie

Today is the 15th of Chinese Lunar. It means the end of Chinese New Year and start another round of lunar year. It is also known as Chinese Valentine. Chinese gathers with family on this day to have a reunion meal. Today is a meaningful day for Chinese.

I'm a Chinese, but I'm alone today. Sibu is flooded, and I can't go back. Spend my time doing some paper works. I gone out to buy dinner, none of the shops were open. They all gone back for the day. I had instant noodle for dinner.

Then, my phone rang. My gf text me, wishing me a nice Yuan Xiao. YJ appeared on MSN, we chat a while. Then I called Lee for a few minutes, asking how tasty is her youzhargui. She is having youzhargui as dinner, as lonely as i am. CLS also SMS a greeting to me. Then around 11 something, had little webcam chat with little cute Pika.

I am lonely but yet, I feel warm.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Goldman in Bukit Bintang

Happen to be walking around Bukit Bintang during holiday and saw this interesting man. He was painted all in gold colour. He was making some money by taking photos with the people around. Children are taking photos with him and suprised me because they don't seems afraid of the man.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Language in school

After the implementation of Science in English, I'm not really involve until this year when i started to teach Science in English. Honestly i feel that teaching English in science is total nonsense especially in rural. If you ask me why, then I'll tell you I'm using 5 languages to teach that subject. I have no choice. Whosoever had something to raise up, come and teach for 3 months, then you'll know how it feel to talk English, Chinese, Malay, Iban and Foo Chow in a single class. I had been sticking to my rule not to use other language when I teach in KL, but not here. Situation here is just too hard.

Life is like this... Not much choice we had despite all the pressures and talk cock of the officers sitting in their air-conditioned office.

Accident in school

Yesterday, the old school bell fell off the ceiling and hit the head of a student.

He didn't complaint anything after that, he just tell everyone what he did and how it fell down. The copper bell is an old school bell, as old as the school. Students take charge to ring the bell according to schedule. When the incident happens, it is only 7.30am. Headmaster look for wounds on his head and found none. So, everybody just continues their own chores and leave the classroom.

We are discussing about the matter after some time in the office. It feels not right for leaving such case aside but we don't want to give too much opinions as decision had been made by the superior.

9.00 am, a teacher ask the boy is feeling dizzy or not, he gave a yes. That teacher alert us to check on him again and we decided to send him to the nearby Klinik Desa for a checkup in case anything happen.When the boy comes back, I heard about a pack of panadol and pain killer. Case already been referred to the professionals, should be okay.

When it is my session in that class, I asked to see the medication given. I am shocked. The clinic only prescribe paracetamol and ascorbic acid. That is total useless medication for a hard hit on the head. What is Vitamin C and PCM for in such condition? Then I realize the boy is acting weird. He is sleepy, opening his mouth from time to time, complaining dizziness and want to vomit. It was the exact symptoms for head and spine injuries. It might turnout serious, or fatal.

His mother came to school after a call. The family decided to send the boy to a private doctor instead of government hospital. A local church's van came and send them over. The doctor refer the case to specialist centre in Sibu for immediate CT Scan.

I told this story to a Senior Medical Assistant for comments about the medication issue that very night. He told me this case should not be taken lightly as what happened. Standard procedure in government hospital for these cases is to be observed for 24 hours, not going home with a few pieces of PCM and vitamin C tablets.

Today, the mother is calling school again. She is not happy because she had to pay the bill. She says government suppose to pay for it. Headmaster gave a big sorry to her and told her claims is not eligible if treatment done in private clinics. There is a big turmoil until the school PIBG decided to pay the bill.

The old clock were moved away to somewhere low and reachable. I must say, if this case happens in SJKC C2, I believed it will not be solved by just paying the bills. But anyhow, peace remains in school and nothing bad happen. Safety is so important, which sometimes we neglected it until something happens.

Something i found while browsing.

