Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Education is not only about school and teachers

Many parents thinks that education is all about school and teachers. When their child didn't score well in exam, it is all teacher's fault. This is truly a nonsense. A successful education needs lots of efforts and cooperation from teachers, school administrator and parents.

Actually a parent had the biggest role in educating their child. The fetus start learning during mother's pregnancy. Every word and action the mother did during the pregnancy period will effect the character of the new born. After giving birth, the child started to learn about the world around from their parents. They take their parents as role model. The walk, smile, laugh, talk like their parents. Parents had big responsibility to shape the child's habit after they grew little by little. After that. parents started to teach them walking, talking, writing, paying attention, respect, right and wrong. When they become young adults, parents are the one who tell them about sex organs, managing emotions, giving motivations and etc. Until this pace, the parents will be able to see the success or the failure of their family education. After their children grown into adults, its the time to let go and let them walk to the front and start another cycle of education.

Family education and school education is equally important. It can't be done by just one side. In a nutshell, it is very important for parents and teachers to cooperate in educating younger generations. So parents, don't come to school and point to the teachers and say "it is all your fault". It might be yours...

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