Monday, May 10, 2010

think about this

1. Malaysia government borrow money from World Bank to pay government servants salaries, so how the hell are they going to pay the debts?

2. Malaysian are so desperate for funding so they wan to impose consumer tax, legalize football betting, and even pay toll for entering KL town. Imagine you are charged additional 5% for each item u buy, lower income and middle income group of people will suffer the most!

3. The also started so whole lots of amanah saham funds. Publicly they say they give chance to people to invest for better future, but i doubt what is the purpose they wan to use the capital for...

4. Government are so poor that they even cut down expenses on educations.

5. Why our empty-second hand- no weapon-unable to dive- submarines cost much expensive than a brand new submarine bought by other countries?

6. Why the helicopter they buy can cost double the price other country buy?

7. Why government sector purchase everything much expensive than market price, which includes basic items like pencil or paper?

8. Each flight a minister took from east to west Malaysia, it cost 1 family's income tax per year. This doesn't include helicopter ride, buffet, candle light dinner, petrol, police escorts, money to give out, accommodation and blah blah blah.

9. Why not convert PLKN to school based projects? It can save up to hundred and thousand billions of ringgit Malaysia. PLKN doesn't serve much purpose also, beside instill love to the country. I believe an empty stomach is much important than PLKN.

10. Why Sarawak contributed 95% of resources income to federal and Malaysia government still seems so poor?

11. Why Sarawak is the richest state but is the poorest state in the same time?

12. ..........

Hey stupid! Stop asking why! Can't you see everything was tangled up? There is no way they could clean all the mess! Just get away and leave it. Don't you understand why people are rushing to fill migrating forms?

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