Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School bell

Riiiinnnnnnggg... The school bell rang accurately according to time.

For some of us, automatic bell with timer is the only memories we had about school bell. It will ring when the time is up, fully running using electricity. In the near future, children will forget about old bells. They might even wonder how an old school bell looks like.

This school bell is donated by the second badge of students in 1954. It is about 55 years old, as old as your granny. This is the oldest thing i can find in my school. On the bell is still clearly written the date and donor's name in Chinese.

School teacher did some repair and modifications on it so it is not as original as it is. But at least, we still can see a 55-year-old school bell.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pizza for the weekend

"Disappointed" is part of my job?

... i got nothing to say anymore...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009




在她家逗留不久我们就离开了。朋友逗趣的问了她一句,“你妈觉得他怎样?”。“妈说,鲜花插在牛粪上。” 顿时我全身都凉了,心如堕入谷底。在人生中还是这么一次被这样侮辱,感觉自己被践踏得如一只没有尊严的流浪狗。虽然我说不上好看,没特别的家庭背景,但我起码还是一个人,需要那么一点点的尊敬。可是我没反驳,只是静静的坐在车里,用很多谎言来安抚自己的心。


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Radios

Starting from the left is Yaesu VX3R wideband radio running on maximum 3 watt. One thing i like about it is it runs on hand phone battery. After that is the Weierwei vev-588 running on UHF frequency. It has 16 channels and running on 4 watt power. Then next to it is ICOM V82 on VHF frequency with total maximum power of 7 watt. The ICOM on the right hand side is using Kenji telescopic 7 steps antenna.

Life is a bed of roses

Life is like a bed of roses,
Charming and pretty,
like a rosy red lips seducing,
Yet, lying on a bed of roses,
full of misery and pains,
the thorns that hurts despite the buds that attracts.

Life is a bed of roses...

Monday, September 14, 2009


从古至今,将军领兵马逢战需知己知彼。当军中缺乏粮饷,马弱兵瘦就本该撤军,避免部下死伤然后东山再起。偏偏皇上有令,此战不得有误,一定要凯旋归来。将军进退两难... 攻则败,全军覆没;退也败,人头不保。也难怪有些将军战场自尽,有些则疯疯癫癫归城。


一直以来,教师对学生的学习能力了如指掌。学生智商不足或学习进度太慢,本来应该留级重修,避免考试榜上无名,浪费公款。偏偏教育政策规定,只要年龄一到就要报考,而且要教师确保个个都优秀。教师进退两难... 考就当掉了,及格率零巴仙;不考也完蛋,教育部来问话。也难怪有些教师未退休年龄就辞职,有些最后搞到疯疯癫癫退休了。

An answer

"Why you guys put so much efforts in it? Do you get paid or something?" asked a friend of mine.

Dear friend,

I am not paid and we are not paid. We pay the organization. We pay it with our energy, time, efforts and even own money. Why? The spirit to serve that keep us alive. That's the best payment we get. We are proud to call ourselves "volunteers".

First Aid & Ambulance Show 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Looking at "haze" from a different view

When we talk about haze, we talk about open burning. Secondary school students write in their essay that reducing haze problem is by stopping open burning. How to stop open burning? Give those people "Saman" of course!

BUT, have any of us think from the view of a farmer? Farmer is the one responsible to start the open burning. So "saman" them? It's cruel...

Farmers burn their the grasses and trees on their land to nourish the soil. Their lifes and their family member's stomach depends on the land. When the land stop producing crops, then their mouth stop eating. They solely rely on the land. If they don't burn the land, then what should they do to keep their family alive?

I think of these when i pass through a paddy field where smoke is puffing from the middle of the field. At first i scold them in my heart who is stupid enough to do burning during these terrible hot day. But i regretted when i saw their dull faces.

They don't have the choice. It is either pollution or starving.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Malaysia had become...

I'm born in Malaysia, and I love Malaysia.Malaysia had been a peaceful country since i started to remember things, but somehow it changed.

Oh, sorry... I apologize. I should say "partially" it changed.

Partially? Yes, partially!

Here in Sarawak, Chinese, Malay, Indians, Ibans, Bidayuh, local natives, tourist and even foreigners still live peacefully. Chinese enjoy tuak in long house, Iban eating nasi lemak with thumbs up, Malay food stall, Chinese food stall, Indian food stall, Pakistanis food stall all under one roof. We share the same nation, same toleration although we talk different and we look different.

Oops! I have to say sorry again!

We don't talk different. Chinese talking in Iban, Malay talking in Chinese, Indians talking in Iban, Chinese, Malay, English, Tamil and Urdu! We looks the same, Chinese looks like Malay, Malay looks like Indian, Iban look like Chinese...

Chinese kahwin Malay, Malay kahwin Indian, Indian kahwin Iban, Iban kahwin Bidayuh, Bidayuh kahwin orang putih, Orang putih kahwin Chinese, Chinese kahwin Indian, Indian kahwin Bidayuh, Iban kahwin Chinese, blah blah blah. Yea, we mess it up already! So we call ourselves MALAYSIANS!

Why fight with each other? People will call you "paloi" if you fight over some nonsense issues that seems happening lately in Semenanjung that wasted so much papers in printing those news. Where did the paper come from? The jungle of Sabah and Sarawak! Please, don't waste papers!

Anyway, I pitied the "lembu" which got slaughtered for his head. I wonder what they do with the other parts of the cow. Pity cow...

For all the Sarawakians, we are glad that we still playing football on the dirty field and everyone are covered by muds. So, Muthu looks muddy, Ah Kiong looks muddy, Ahmad looks muddy, Freddie looks muddy... everybody looks muddy! And best of all, everyone show their same white teeth through their smile and went back home getting the same scolding from their mother because of the dirt.

SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Berdialog? Musyawarah? Perbincangan? Adat sopan santun?


Saya jadi orang Malaysia rasa begitu MALU dengan sikap yang tidak bertamadun ini!

Saya sudah malas untuk mengulas. Membazir tenaga saya menaip.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


KWAPM is a fund from government to assist students in supporting their education. This fund is given to low income families according to the numbers of children studying in government primary schools. Each child will get around RM120 per year. For family with 3 children in primary school, they will get around RM360 each time. Government expect parents or guardians to use this money to support education fees for the children.

Reference: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3246710/pekeliling-KWAMP-

This is what happened...

: Apai bisik beli baju sekula, kasut sekula baru?
(Did your father buy new school uniform and new shoes for you?)
Student : Nadai Cikgu!
(No, teacher. )
Cikgu: Dini duit KWAPM seratus dua puluh ringgit Guru Besar meri?
(Where is the RM120 KWAPM that headmaster gave?)
Student: Apai beli maioh langkau ngau rokok nganjung pulai rumah.
(Father bought a lot of cigarette and beer.)

That's where the money started to flow out and also where it finished.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sushi King offer


Sushi King of Malaysia have a challenge to their respective customers. Whoever can finish the Big Bowl Noodle that cost RM38.80 in 10 minutes time will have the dish free of charge. This is something quite new to us as i never struck such offer in any restaurant before.

For normal people like us, it is quite impossible to slurp the whole bowl in ten minutes. I bet the chef will purposely cook the soup boiling hot so that it took longer time to cool down before can start enjoying the dish.

I'm wondering... If I'm a construction contractor and I brought 20 of my construction foreign workers going to the shop, sit down and order this particular dish everyday. Will the shop close down in 2 weeks?