Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Teachers are more than what you thinks

When you think teachers finish work at 1pm, they are bringing home exercises and documents; When you think teachers have long holidays, they are going to school for extra classes, doing documentations and preparing for new semester; when you think teachers have high salary, they are suffering stresses and depressions, and some even on medications; when you think teachers are only repeating contents in the textbook, they actually need lots of knowledge in pedagogy and methodology. Love your teacher, because they did more than what you think!

Friday, March 2, 2012

System, let us go...

Why are you being cruel to us?
We are desperate and stressed in our job
not because we don't love the job
but the job don't love us anymore
It's all because of you.

You torture our mental and emotion
with tonnes of clerical works
and repetition of data collections
You separate us apart
with the teaching job we love so much.

It's nothing wrong to occupied my working time
But why my family time, holiday picnics and sleeping time?
You make us burn midnight oils
just to fill information that I already filled last week
and during the first day of my service.

Do you realize my baby boy doesn't recognise his father?
Just because you separate us in two distance place
My wife cried during phone calls
complaining about her mean headmaster
while my heart bleed, unable to do anything.

Let us go...
Education should not be torturing
Education should not be saddening
Education should not split family
It should be about Love...