Thursday, February 28, 2008

dear students, this is the way of life... unfair

I brought two students to participate in a story telling competition. They did very well in the competition and I'm proud of them. I expect the girl in first grade would won first prize in the first grade category.But when the result were announced, they are out of the list. I know they should get something back, but being treated unfairly is just normal in a competition like that. It is hard for a teacher to see your students full of disappointment in their expression. It was a tough experience for them, especially when they are so young.

"Cikgu, why that girl who can't even remember her story can get first prize?"
"You've tried your best. Win or lose is not important. At least you gain some experience here. You also get to be friend with some of the teachers and students here". Oh, what a lame excuse! But in my situation, that's the only speech i can use. It is so wrong to tell them that the judges are all jerks and bastards.
"Cikgu, this is the first time i come for a competition and go back empty handed..."

It is so sad that society uses such cruel way to teach these young children the way of life. But for me, it is just another unfair experience that is so normal in my life. Life have to move on, no matter fair or not. Well, this is the way of life... whether you like it or you don't.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


"A student is the most important client on our school.He/She is not dependent on us. We are dependent on Him/Her. He/She is not an interruption to our work. He/She is the purposes of it. He/She is not an outsider to our services. He/She is a part of it. We are not doing him/her a favour by serving him/her. He/She doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so"

Is 2k salary for teachers worth?

Okay, RM2k salary is not much at all for a teacher working nowadays. Let me explain why.

(teach, correcting exercises, exams)
(Club, school team, uniform body, sports, academic competition)
(documentation, filing, fulling ISO's documents)
Librarian (for those involved)
(carry hundreds of chairs, boards and blah blah for activities)
(take care of the children. a little cut can cause complaint letters piling on the GB's desk)
Daddy & Mummy
(Program Anak Angkat)
(primary school syllabus is not easy nowadays)
(investigate cases like fighting, borrowing money, not doing homeworks, stealing blah blah)

So, teachers are worth much more than RM2k a month for what they are doing.
Government do saved lots and lots of money... hehe!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


   出门前,我那徐娘半老的妈妈打扮的花枝招展,鬼斧神工到一点也看不出是个糟糠之妻。头顶羽毛未丰的爸爸也赶紧洗心革面沐猴而冠,换上双管齐下的西装后英 俊得惨绝人寰,鸡飞狗跳到让人退避三舍。东施效颦爱漂亮的妹妹更是穿上调整型内衣愚公移山,画虎类犬地打扮的艳光四射,趾高气昂地穿上新买的高跟鞋。
   我们一丘之貉坐着素车白马,很快地到了动物园,不料参观的人多到豺狼当道草木皆兵,害我们一家骨肉分离。妻离子散的爸爸鞠躬尽瘁地到处广播,终于找到差 点认贼作父的我和遇人不淑的妹妹,困兽之斗中,我们螳臂当车力排众议推己及人地挤到猴子栅栏前,鱼目混珠拍了张强颜欢笑的全家福。
   火锅在我们呼天呛地面红耳赤地蚕食鲸吞后,很快就只剩沧海一粟,和少数的漏网之鱼。母范犹存的妈妈想要丢三落四放冬粉时,发现火苗已经危在旦夕,只好投 鼠忌器。幸好狐假虎威的爸爸呼卢喝雉叫来店员抱薪救火,终于死灰复燃,也让如坐针毯的我们中饱私囊。鸟尽弓藏後,我们一家子酒囊饭袋,沆瀣一气,我和妹妹 更是小人得志,沾沾自喜。

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Henry Dunant - Red On The Cross

An epic film about the creation of the Red Cross.
Emotion, passion

An idealist, a romantic, humanist and visionary, swiss-born Henry Dunant led an insane battle to convince nation states to allow a relief society to take care of soldiers who fell on the battlefield, regardless of their nationality. The fierce will of this man who dared the impossible, thereby earning the first Nobel Peace Prize, was the spark that led to the founding of the Red Cross Society. This film, an epic loosely based on the life of Henry Dunant, is carried by the spirit and the passion that drove this resolutely modern hero of the 19th century.